Sample Group Itineraries
An entire day could be spent exploring the Desert Museum, but the minimum recommended visit length is 2 hours. Please consider the sample itineraries below as you plan your visit, keeping in mind that groups will move at different paces and have different interests. If you have any questions or would like additional suggestions, please contact Guest Services at or (520) 883-1380.
- If you have an entire day…
(a true Sonoran Desert experience!) -
- First stop, the Orientation Ramada for a quick overview of the Sonoran Desert region and what makes it so unique.
- On to Mountain Woodland where you may see mountain lion, black bear, and Mexican grey wolves, followed by the Desert Grasslands for prairie dogs and Vulture Culture.
- While the day is still mild, visit the javelinas and coyotes on the Desert Loop Trail, then grab a spot in the viewing area for Raptor Free Flight at 10 a.m. (every day except Wednesdays, mid-October through early April).
- After the presentation, check out some of the other exhibit areas, such as Cat Canyon (bobcat, gray fox, ocelot); Agave and Cactus Gardens; and Riparian Corridor )bighorn sheep, beaver, otter).
- Make a splash at Stingray Touch (additional fees apply) before wandering through the Birds of the Sonoran Desert exhibit.
- Break for lunch at the Ironwood Terraces Restaurant or Ocotillo Café (seasonal) before heading to the Warden Oasis Theater for the daily Live Animal Program at 12:30 p.m. Afterwards, stop into the Ironwood Gallery for the latest visual art exhibit.
- In the heat of the afternoon, enjoy some of the Museum’s indoor exhibits: the Warden Aquarium; Reptile, Amphibian, & Invertebrate Hall, and Earth Sciences Center.
- Finish the day with an ice cream treat or coffee from Phoebe’s Coffee Bar and a souvenir from the Mountain House Gift Shop.
- If you have four hours…
(a half-day visit that leaves them wanting more!) -
- First stop, the Orientation Ramada for a quick overview of the Sonoran Desert region and what makes it so unique.
- On to the Mountain Woodland where you may see mountain lion, black bear, and Mexican grey wolves, followed by the Desert Grasslands for prairie dogs and Vulture Culture.
- Grab a spot in the viewing area for Raptor Free Flight at 10 a.m. (every day except Wednesdays, mid-October through early April).
- After the presentation, check out the Agave and Cactus Gardens and Riparian Corridor (bighorn sheep, beaver, otter).
- Make a splash at Stingray Touch (additional fees apply), and stop into the Ironwood Gallery for the latest visual art exhibit.
- Finish the day with an ice cream treat or coffee from Phoebe’s Coffee Bar and a souvenir from the Mountain House Gift Shop.
- If you have two hours…
(just the highlights!) -
- First stop, the Orientation Ramada for some background on the Sonoran Desert region.
- Continue to the Earth Sciences Center and Cave before checking out Mountain Woodland to visit the mountain lion and black bear, then Cat Canyon where you'll seethe bobcat, ocelot, and gray fox.
- Be sure to check out the Agave and Cactus Gardens to see an impressive variety of succulents and cacti, including Boojum trees!
- Finally, pick up a souvenir in the Mountain House Gift Shop and see the Warden Aquarium before you leave.